Our Shifting and Moving premier package involves relocating with all the benefits of premium and premier relocation services. These premium services include us packaging, loading, unpacking, and arranging your new house to completion. Moreover, the premier relocation services in house moving ensure you get a high standard touch of arrangements in line with our professional interior standards. The are executive standards with affordable moving package.

To meet the quality of our premier relocation services, we start by making a pre-visit to your house for supervision and assessment. The brief previsit and description assist in giving a precise relocation quotation.

Similarly, we also do an online tour in place of the assessment previsit to make the process easy. After the evaluation, we take note of all the requirements to make your relocation seamless. Moreover, the previsit assist in determining the best boxes, wrappers, covering among other material for your premier house moving.

Premier Relocation Planning

In the planning stage, we also offer you better alternatives that could help you do a whole house makeover from our interior design professionals. After the advice you can either choose we proceed with your relocation or do some interior design customization in your new house.

This affordable moving package gives you an opportunity to get the best from our complementing design services. However, we ensure our team offers you the best premier house moving services.

Relocation and Moving

On the set moving day, we come with our packing materials in preparation for packing every property in its moving box. After packing and sealing all the elements in your house, the team meticulously loads them in the moving van. Above all, the coordination ensures there is No chance of breakage or mishandling.

Surprisingly, our premier house moving team ensures you get a free wine in this quality relocation and moving package. The wine gift gives you time to sit, relax, and enjoy our stress-free moving services through the process. 

After the moving team loads the van, our wine serving supervisor confirms the house is ready for relocation. Subsequently, the van checks out with the team into your next home. Supervisors monitor the journey for proper delivery of your property. Certainly, our premier house moving team ensures all the boxes are well placed in the truck to avoid unnecessary internal breakages.

New House Perfections

Upon arrival in your new house, the supervisor confirms the house is set for a move in. The confirmation ensures the house and design are well in place for moving in. This level of observation further ensures everything is up to your fulfillment.

After the affirmation, the premier house moving team starts the offloading process of the property from the van to the new house. The same quality of loading keenly goes on to the offloading. The procedure follow-up assists to avoid last-minute mishandling. After offloading everything into your new house, the tInterior Design Styles in Kenyaeam moves in to unpack and settle everything into its order.

Our last step in this relocation and moving package is the arrangement stage. The arrangement follows our interior standards and in line with your interior plan.  That is why every staff in our company must undergo our starter training program to ensure interior planning and quality is of a high standard.

In other words, the training gives us the best service team.

Final Premier Moving Touches

When the premier house moving team finishes the whole moving process, the supervisor goes round to countercheck and affirm everything is good for your settlement. The counterchecking begins from the table room sets, bedroom placements, kitchen order, washrooms to the balcony among other rooms. The moving client holds the last word for the final say to release the team.

Finally, our shifting and moving premier package is a quality affordable moving package for everyone. Moreover, our premier house moving package is personalized to give a you pocket-friendly quotation. Each package is priced transparently without hidden charges. Luckily, you are free from doing the moving hence giving you time to cool down in your new house. The moving Premier package is not for the selected few but for you and anyone else.

We are Shifters & Movers, so get a house here, interior design it here, and move with us! Get a Free Quote

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