A fridge is one of the most important appliances in the kitchen. But what tips do you have about this tricky appliance? Some wonder which the best fridge brand is, how to move a fridge, fridge safety, and storage. Everyone wants to know the best solutions to refrigerator moving. Shifters and Movers Team therefore, bring you all these tips and also guides on how to maintain your fridge.
Through this guide, we’ll show you how to prepare the fridge for moving, fridge storage tips, and the best place to keep the fridge in the house.
No one definitely wants to end up with a malfunctioning fridge in their house just because they do not know how to move a fridge safely. Nevertheless, we will show you the advantages and disadvantages of moving the fridge by yourself and how to use a moving dolly.
So, shall we flow together and get the best tips?
Moving a Fridge
Refrigerator moving can be tricky and expensive since we all know how heavy a fridge can be. Some old fridge models can be so heavy to lift hence making it very tricky to move by yourself.
For example, some of the old fridge models can weigh up to 120 Kilograms or 250 lbs. That is a weight you don’t want to joke around with while planning on how to move a fridge.
If you are not careful and want to move such a fridge by yourself, you may end up totally breaking your refrigerator. You may even end up injuring yourself while trying to do your refrigerator moving.
We have therefore divided the following guide on how to move a fridge into five sections for your maximum understanding. One, things you need to safely move your fridge. Two, how to prepare a fridge for moving. Three, how to safely move your fridge. Four, the best fridge brand with a fridge buying guide and finally quick queries and solutions regarding your fridge.
Things you need to Safely in Moving a Fridge
To safely move your fridge, you need the following things; it is the best refrigerator moving checklist;
1. Packing Tape
Packing tape is an essential moving tool you need to bind your movable shelves in your fridge. Since the fridge will be empty during the relocation, ensure any movable shelve or tray in the fridge is tightly taped.
Taping the movable trays and shelves reduces breaking the lighting and soft interiors of your fridge.
2. Moving Straps
Straps are like safety strings to tie the fridge in the moving dolly. When your fridge is tightly tied in the moving dolly, it remains intact and reduces any fall risk.
Therefore as you prepare to get your dolly, get nice straps to tie your fridge nicely, it is one of the fridge safety tools while moving a fridge.
3. Dolly
A dolly is a rubber wheel trolley that every good mover’s company uses to move heavy and large items. Moving dolly is a great deal while planning on how to move a fridge since it makes it easy to move the fridge from the house to the moving truck.
Image by Goshare
The only challenging part is to lift and place the fridge on the dolly, strap and move the fridge to the moving truck. But how do you move a refrigerator without a dolly?
Get a good movers company to safely help in your refrigerator moving. They come with a good moving truck.
4. Measuring Tape
You are wondering why the need to have measuring tape while preparing to move your fridge? Well, a measuring tape is a fridge safety minor tool that helps get your fridge through doors without moving your fridge up and down.
You use the measuring tape to measure the height, width, and length of your fridge. After taking the measurements, you use those measurements to know the right door size to move through your fridge.
You don’t have to carry your fridge to test if the fridge will move through. Use a measuring tape wisely to reduce breaking the edges of your fridge.
5. Gloves
Gloves are very essential in helping to grip the fridge while you load or carry it with your moving team. When the gloves are well won, they grip the fridge and reduces the risk of the fridge sliding.
6. Fridge Packing Box
We all know how moving boxes are essential for any type of relocation. When planning on how to move your fridge, get the right box size to fit your fridge. See the greatest moving checklist with packing boxes.
The Fridge moving boxes help protect your fridge from scratches, dust, and direct impact while rolling the fridge on the dolly or in the moving truck. Let’s tip you, ‘always dress your fridge with its moving box upside down.’
7. Reliable Moving Team
The greatest secret in any type of relocation is having a good moving team. Most moving companies across the world provide professional moving services to save your time, energy, and stress.
Therefore, having a reliable moving team will save you lots of time, energy, and stress to move your fridge safely.
Your reliable moving team will help you prepare, pack, load, and offload your fridge safely to your house. Click here to see the benefits of using a moving company
How to Prepare your Fridge for Moving
Always do a thorough relocation preparation way before your moving day. According to Spruce, it is important to adequately prepare for moving. Therefore, there are primary factors to consider when planning on how to move your fridge.
This refrigerator moving guide helps you with tips to help you way before your actual moving day for maximum fridge safety. Follow through each step;
1. Turn off your Fridge
The very first step when you are planning to move your fridge is to put off your fridge socket power. Disconnect it. However, lots of people wonder for how long should a fridge be off before moving?
The best time to keep your fridge off before moving is approximately 3 hours. Remember the 3 hours is a key step when you are preparing your fridge for moving, the 3 hours help it cool down, defrost and get dry.
Therefore it is not safe and good to immediately unplug and move your fridge. You need to switch it off early as you prepare how to move your fridge.
2. Empty the Fridge
After switching and unplugging your fridge from power, empty all your fridge storage space. Remove all the food and drinks in your fridge. Most people get confused if it is right to transport a fridge with food and drinks in the fridge?
According to the moving review, it is not safe to transport your fridge with food and drinks inside the fridge. It is risky and unsafe. Empty your refrigerator for moving to avoid breaking the interior shelves, lighting, and the entire fridge interiors.
Emptying your fridge storage further makes the fridge light to carry. The greatest risk also lies in the food you move while in your fridge.
That food and drinks spoil can end up being dangerous to its consumers. So how long should you empty a fridge before your moving date? Empty the fridge 3 days before your moving date.
That is an important day when you are preparing how to move a fridge.
3. Sort out your Fridge Foods and Drinks
Immediately you finish emptying your fridge storage space, sort the removed food and drinks well. Sorting the foods and drinks from the fridge means keeping them safe in the order of how they should be consumed to avoid throwing them away due to spoiling.
You can sort them out by starting to eat the most delicate foods and drinking the delicate ones as well. Sorting them out could also mean giving them away if they can spoil faster than you can consume them.
That’s why we insist on all our moving clients to learn how to prepare for moving by booking for a move a month prior to their moving day.
Preparing on how to move early saves you a lot since Shifters and Movers give you tips like how to move a fridge early. When you know such tips early enough, you can start consuming the fridge early enough to avoid wastage.
4. Defrost the Fridge
What is defrosting? And how long should you defrost a fridge before moving out? Defrosting is removing a fridge accumulating ice or frozen food and drink the stuff in the fridge.
You should defrost your fridge 3 days before your moving day. If your fridge or freezer has ice and you load it in the moving van, it will thaw after loading it.
That ice melts and spills water into the moving truck hence causing a mess to everything in the moving truck. If you wonder how to move a fridge, defrosting is a major secret that also increases the life of your refrigerator.
A rule of thumb when you are preparing on how to move a fridge, defrost the fridge if your move will take more than 30 minutes while moving. See more on fridge defrosting from Square Cows.
Our Movers team has to keep you with the best tips on how to move a fridge for your fridge safety. Get this comprehensive kitchen packing tips for moving.
5. Clean the Fridge
Cleaning your fridge before you move is a great fridge safety tip. It makes your fridge fresh, cool, and smells nice. Most importantly, fridge cleaning removes any germs or bacterial introduced in the fridge by a foreign drink or food.
But do you know how to clean a fridge?
How to Clean a Fridge
Step 1; First wipe the interior part of the fridge with soapy warm water after defrosting.
Step 2; Rinse the fridge with clean water to remove the soapy water.
Step 3; Dry the fridge interiors with a dry towel. Dry all the corners, shelves, and trays as well.
Step 4; Mix a spoon of liquid bleach with a 4-liter gallon and use it to sanitize your fridge. Alternatively, you can use ammonia, vinegar, and baking soda to disinfect your fridge.
Sanitizing kills germs and removes some old smell in the fridge. Are you learning something cool? If you are interested in cleaning services and cleaning companies, here is a great guide to the best cleaning companies in Nairobi Kenya.
6. Remove all the Shelves, Lids, and Drawers
When everything relating to your fridge is clean, remove all the shelves, lids and drawers to safely tape them or bubble wrap them for safety in moving a fridge.
Do not move breakable and fragile lids inside the fridge. That’s why it’s necessary to tape them together and pack them inside a separate box.
When doing your refrigerator moving, move the box with breakables safely. Here are things to note before moving to a new house to help you on how to prepare and safely move fragile moving boxes.
7. Keep the Fridge Doors Open
After all the cleaning and removing all the lids and drawers from your fridge, keep the fridge doors open. Opening the fridge doors naturally cools it.
Leaving the doors open prevents mildew growth in the fridge. Moreover, if the odor is not completely gone, put in some baking soda that will gradually reduce the odor.
These great fridge moving tips significantly help you prepare before you pack your refrigerator before moving.
8. Pack your Fridge for Moving
Packing your fridge is an important simple stage that seeks to protect your fridge from damage while moving. So do you know how to pack your refrigerator for moving? Follow these simple steps.
How to Pack a Fridge for Moving
#Step 1; Lock & Tape the Fridge Doors
After your fridge is well aerated, lock the doors with your fridge key. However, if you do not have the key or your fridge does not have a key, tape the doors nicely to avoid them opening while tilting to put it in a box moving.
#Step 2; Fold and Tape the Power Cord
The fridge power cord is one small thing that has caused damage on most fridges while packing or moving a fridge. Always tape the cords with sellotapes or a tight wire or straps.
Taping the power cable and cords makes them intact and not lose to step on them while boxing or moving the fridge.
#Step 3; Box the Fridge
Putting a fridge in its moving box is one of the greatest tips to safely move a fridge. Most people struggle with how to box their fridges for moving.
Do you know how to put your Fridge in a box for moving? It’s simple and doable. Here is how you put your fridge in a moving box.
While the fridge is in its normal upright position put on the open box and roll the box down until it covers the fridge. Then with the help of your moving team, tilt the fridge as you place it on the dolly then tape the uncovered bottom part of the box. Is the fridge covered?
Do not forget to tape the upper part of the box.
Since we are done preparing and packing the fridge for moving. Below are major steps on how to safely move a fridge.
Image by Sloan Appliance
How to Safely Move your Fridge
While you plan to safely move your fridge, you can use a dolly or you can use your moving tip, we will guide you with both options for your maximum benefits. Either you have a moving dolly or using your moving team.
Guide 1; How to Move a Fridge with a Dolly
1. Load the Fridge on a Dolly
Refrigerator moving using a dolly is easy, with the help of your friend or moving team, lock the front part of the dolly at the bottom side of your fridge.
Tilt the fridge until the fridge is safe on the dolly. Ensure the fridge is at the center and stable on the dolly.
2. Strap the Fridge on the Dolly
After confirming the fridge is well placed on the dolly, strap the fridge tightly. But if you are wondering how to fasten your fridge on the dolly for moving, strap it all-round from the side of the dolly.
Strapping the fridge from the side protects it from tilting on the sides of the dolly. Moreover, proper strapping increases your fridge safety.
3. Tilt the dolly 450
Since the fridge is tightly strapped in the dolly, tilt the dolly 450 for moving. Move it slowly to the moving truck.
How to Wheel the Dolly to the Moving Truck
Most of the accidents associated with moving a fridge to the truck with a dolly are determined by how you wheel the dolly to the moving truck.
Therefore observe the route you use and be careful. Avoid staircase, stony and bumpy routes. Hold the dolly tight to avoid dropping the dolly and the fridge.
Note to move slowly and swiftly for your fridge safety. Wondering how to move a fridge without a dolly? You need a good fridge moving team.
Guide 2: How to Move a Fridge with a Moving Team
Having a good moving team while preparing on how to move a fridge is a good alternative to a moving dolly. It is as easy as A, B & C. All that the team need is a good grip of the fridge from the bottom side of the fridge and moves it slowly and safely.
However, for better fridge safety, it should be moved while upright to reduce damage. The moving team should rest along the way until they safely load it to the moving truck.
Advantages of Using Refrigerator Moving Team
Despite the desire to save cost by wanting to personally move your fridge, get a good fridge moving team. The refrigerator moving team will be of great advantage in the following ways;
1. Safety
When you use the refrigerator moving team, they will help you on how to move your fridge safely from one place to the other. They easily carry your fridge with ease and extra care.
Carrying your refrigerator as a team makes it lighter and easier compared to carrying it by yourself. The refrigerator moving team will not only help you load into the moving truck but also safely move the fridge in your house.
They further ensure your refrigerator is kept in the best and safe place in your house. While moving the fridge by yourself, you get so tired and worn out to a point of being confused on how to safely position it.
Safety positions like the best corner to place the fridge, how to safely rack it among other important fridge maintenance observations. Generally, a moving team increases your fridge safety while moving.
2. Saves your Money
Did you know a fridge moving team saves you money? Yes, a moving team saves you the extra cost that comes with unprecedented internal damages that often occur when struggling to move the fridge by yourself.
From our experience, fridge maintenance and repair costs are usually more expensive than the standard moving package.
3. Save your Energy and Health
Since refrigerator moving is quite difficult and risky, most people end up tired. However, when you use a good moving team, your refrigerator moving team saves your energy since you won’t be physically engaged in carrying the fridge.
Moreover, you save yourself from breaking your back and hurting yourself while moving the heavy appliance.
4. Gives you Fridge Storage Tips
Fridge storage is very important to your fridge durability. When you use a moving team to move your fridge, the team gives you tips on your fridge storage.
Such Fridge storage tips include packing the same fridge stuff together, hanging a basket in the fridge to utilize more space, etc.
Let me give you an extra fridge storage tip for being part of us, always keep the cooked and raw food separately and from each other in the fridge. Such tips help you efficiently use your fridge storage space better for a long period.
You become better when you get better tips from frequent fridge handlers. For example, see affordable relocation services in Nairobi for refrigerator moving.
5. Help you with Fridge Safety Secrets
Some of the fridge safety secrets are well demonstrated by the moving team while moving your fridge. Fridge safety tips like how to safely clean your fridge coil, how to check refrigerator temperature, how to rack a fridge etc.
Such fridge safety secrets are easy to read but well done and demonstrated by our refrigerator moving team. Despite your fridge moving team giving you fridge safety tips, they show you on best fridge usage practices.
Fridge Brands
Since we have seen all the best tips regarding your fridge, how to move a fridge, and a guide to maintain and use your fridge, let’s see the best fridge brand.
What is the Best Fridge Brand?
Most people including myself would love to have the best fridge brand, a brand that will give me good service for a long time.
Therefore, as a moving company that has widely handled and moved lots of people refrigerators across homes and companies, we have studied and analyzed the best fridge brand for you.
We not only want you to know how to move a fridge but also ensure you get the best fridge brand if at all you are looking for one. You would also want a new fridge brand in the future. Below are the best 5 fridge brands in 2021, and their goodness with a description.
Most importantly, it is good to notify all our clients that we have done this analysis to inform them of the best fridge brand and not to market any refrigerator brand.
The Best Fridge Brands in 2021
1. GE Refrigerators
General Electric is one of the world’s best house appliances manufacturers. The GE fridge brand is an international brand known for its durability and overall best fridge performance.
All the features you could be interested in from your best fridge brand, GE has the model piece of it. From French doors, great fridge storage space, double doors, top/bottom freezer, and drop-down trays.
It also comes with lit walls, advanced water filtration, and Keurig dispenser brewer, etc. Rather than listing all the great GE models and their features here, see the best GE fridge brand review, uniqueness, and cost here from US News.
Need to know more about a specific detail of the GE fridge? Ask it here.
2. LG Refrigerators
Life’s Good (LG) brand is one of the best fridge brands by cost, innovation design, efficient cooling, and reliable functionality.
It is one of the best fridge models we have moved and found in most homes and companies. If you are looking to save cost and get a high-end fridge, LG LMXS28596D is the best brand for you.
Moreover, LG highly ranks for its outstanding features, performance, and capacity. According to Techpiton, LG Instaview Side by Side Fridge is the best fridge choice in Kenya.
See more features and reasons why LG is the best Fridge brand in Kenya.
3. Whirlpool Refrigerators
Whirlpool is one of the underrated best fridge brand across the world. It’s durable, comes with quality fridge storage space, and requires little maintenances over a long period.
Moreover, Whirlpool fridges are technologically advanced to save energy consumption. One of the most competitive Whirlpool’s best fridge models is the WRF555SDFZ because of its great functionalities.
Whirlpool also comes with preinstalled ice maker and a competitive upscale design. Click here to see its interior lighting design among other great features.
4. Samsung Refrigerators
Generally, Samsung electronics are widely used and accessible to everyone across the world. Samsung fridge brands are therefore among the premium and best fridge brands because of their smart technology.
Moreover, Samsung refrigerators meet the energy star standards, efficiency, and affordable cost. According to Good House Keeping, Samsung Family Hub Refrigerators are the best family refrigerators for families across the world.
Similarly, Samsung RT49K5052SL Double Door Fridge is one of the widely used fridge brands in Nairobi and across Kenyan Homes. Here is more about Samsung to guide you in selecting the best Samsung fridge brand.
5. Ramtons Refrigerators
Ramtons is a household name for home appliances in Kenya. Ramtons refrigerators dominate the Kenyan market for their model varieties, prices, efficiency, and budget.
Moreover, Ramtons refrigerators have proven to be reliable and durable by most users from different industries and across companies.
It has a direct cooling system to create its own ice, designed compartments, shelves, and internal lighting. Ramtons RF/173 Double Door Fridge is the leading Ramtons fridge brand in Nairobi and in Kenya.
See the best of Ramtons refrigerator brand for your choice.
Other great fridge brands across the world are Bruhm, Frigidaire, Kitchen Aid, Café, Danby, and Maytag Refrigerators. All these are competitive international recognized refrigerators brands.
What is your best fridge brand? We would love to hear your best refrigerator brand below, share it and we’ll tell you more about it.
To make you better understand and have the best refrigerator brand, we also give you factors to consider when choosing the best fridge brand.
Factors to Consider when Choosing the Best Fridge Brand
Below are the best things to consider when buying a new refrigerator; the best fridge brand that will meet your needs and quality.
1. Refrigerator Features
Every fridge comes with different features, however, the best fridge brand comes with the best features. I am sure you want as many best features in your new fridge.
Therefore, when you are confused about things to consider when buying a new refrigerator, first check the quality features your brand choice has. Things like freezer compartment location, fridge storage size, indoor water dispenser, and a lock if you have children, and many more.
Here’s is a fridge price tip, the more features, the more it will cost you. So be financially ready as well to get the best fridge brand with the best features.
2. Efficiency
You may want the best fridge brand but you need to know how energy efficient the fridge is.
The best fridges use less energy which saves you money and protects the environment. Before you buy, check if the fridge is energy star certified.
3. Fridge Styles
When considering buying a new fridge, check the best fridge style. The modern fridge comes with new styles in compartments sizes, bottom, and upper part freezers.
The best fridge brand will have more than the common style, choose your most catchy style.
4. Fridge Size & Dimensions
Have you ever moved a fridge and it didn’t fit through the doors and its designated space in the house? It’s really disappointing after moving the refrigerator.
Well, avoid such disappointments by taking the measurement of the place you want to place your best fridge brand in the estate. Measure the width and height of your door.
Since most refrigerators are kept between the kitchen counter, measure the space between the counters as well.
Take your measurements and your measuring tape with you for shopping. It will also help you measure your fridge storage space. Remember a measuring tape is in our refrigerator moving checklist. All the best!
Concerns and Solutions on how to Move a Fridge
The following are compiled questions and solutions regarding how to move a fridge, usage, fridge maintenance, safety, and fridge storage.
They are some of the main concerns that our moving team comes across every other time we are moving fridges. They are Fridge Moving Tips & Solutions to help and guide you.
1. Where is the Best Place to Safely Place a Fridge in the House?
A fridge is a kitchen appliance. Therefore, the best place to safely keep your fridge is in the kitchen. Moreover, the best place to keep the fridge in the kitchen is at a strategic corner and not behind the door.
You can also keep it between your kitchen counters.
2. Where to place your fridge while moving?
For moving teams and companies, while moving a refrigerator, place it at a stable place in the moving truck. Either right ahead in the moving truck tray or between firm stuff while moving households.
Remember to strap it nicely to avoid unnecessary movements.
3. Is it safe to keep the fridge on the floor?
No, always have a wooden rack to place below your fridge to avoid waters and moisture directly getting to your fridge.
4. Should you connect your fridge for use after moving?
No, refrigerators use liquid coolants that pass through compressor oil pipes that need to settle after moving. Therefore, after the refrigerator moving and before turning it on, allow the oil to settle in the compressor.
5. How long should you wait to reconnect and use your fridge after moving?
The most appropriate time to wait to reconnect and use your fridge after moving is 4 hours. 4 hours is enough time to allow the compressor oil to settle.
6. What happens if you turn a fridge on too soon after moving?
You could cause the blockage of your fridge system. That reduces the cooling capacity of your fridge and affects its durability.
It is always good to let it stay upright the more if you can to allow the fridge coolant to settle. Such patience makes your fridge more efficient and durable.
7. Can you move a fridge laying down?
No, but if you are tilting it for loading, tilt it on the side or from the front to avoid damaging the working system at the back of the refrigerator.
8. What you should do if the fridge is roughly handled while moving?
The best thing to do is to first let it settle for at least 24 hours and get your fridge check guy. He or she will check if it is working without delay since the compressor oil will have settled.
9. What are the best Fridge Maintenance tips?
Here are easy fridge maintenance tips, always keep the coil clean, clean them while it is off. Close the fridge doors soon after getting whatever you wanted from the fridge.
Cover the foods in the fridge, empty the ice and cool it down. A surprising tip, always fill up your fridge storage space even if you do not shop for fridge storage.
This is because refrigerators need thermos mass like foods and drinks to maintain low temperatures and energy efficiency.
10. Should you switch off the fridge at night?
No. You should not turn off your fridge and freezer at night since it will defrost. Moreover, the fridge should maintain a certain temperature to keep your fridge storage safe.
And if you switch off the fridge at night to save energy, it will consume more energy when you turn your fridge on. So you won’t save energy.
Have we helped you get answers to your most burning questions on how to move a fridge? Could there be an issue we didn’t address and you’d want to be answered?
Write it down in the comment section and we’ll right away sort you.
Everyone wants to know how to move a fridge in the best and easiest way. Moreover, we all want our fridge safe, well transported, well-kept, and more tips every other day so as to have the fridge long enough.
We all want the best fridge brand, everyone wants quality and value for their money. No one wants to buy the best fridge brand and end up with damages while doing their refrigerator moving.
Our team believes this ultimate guide sufficiently guides you on how to move a fridge with a dolly and with a moving team.
This guide further seeks to help other fridge moving companies to move their client’s fridges safely and securely. We want moving teams to know how to pack a fridge for moving.
However, if there is anything regarding your fridge and how to move it, ask and let us know below. Thumps up and share to help a friend.
We are Shifters and Movers; the best moving, housing, and interior design Company in Nairobi Kenya. Our main work is to solve moving problems.
We do this by looking and listing rental and for sale houses for you. You rent and buy after seeing and selecting your next perfect house at your comfort from our housing portal. If you need interior design, we elegantly interior design it and finally provide you with the best professional moving services.
Wow! So much I didn't Know. Thanks for this information Shifters Movers
Much welcome Nancy, we endeavor to provide the best guide to help the many people out there struggling with fridge functionality and tips.
Always at your service.
Great guide, thanks
Much welcome.
I love the guide. It is quite comprehensive for me. I will buy Ramtons in Mombasa road Nairobi, I heard they are quite affordable.
Appreciated for the compliment Chris, Ramtons is a good brand in Kenya. Follow the guide carefully.